Monthly News & Updates
July 2023 | Issue 2
Welcome to the AGW, GTA, MA Monthly Newsletter!
Hello, and welcome to this month’s AGW / GTA newsletter
We hope that you all find this newsletter useful and helpful. If you see the “Constant Contact” information at the bottom of the email, then you have signed up to receive our newsletter at some point either through one of our websites or contests. If you wish to unsubscribe, simply use the unsubscribe button that’s in the footer of the email. If you are a GTA Member receiving this email, please see the highlighted portions below.
Our goal is to send out a digest of all our content over the past month, along with connecting our viewers and members with some great airgun specials on the web. If you are interested in advertising in the newsletter, please let us know, and we can get together and talk about options.
This month we have a few special items that we’d like to mention. First, we have the GTA Contest which is a giveaway for Airgun Angie’s Custom .25 Caliber Air Venturi Avenger. You can check out her videos on her custom Avenger and all our other GRiP review content on the GTA YouTube Channel here: Next, please be sure to read the announcement from Airgun Pro Shop on their raffle of an SWA 20ga Shotgun to help support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).
Lastly, for GTA Members that receive this newsletter via the forum, we want to thank you for receiving this as part of your membership. If you would like NOT to receive it, you can deselect the option to be emailed directly via the forum. The option is part of your member profile. If that does not work, as it seems that there’s a bit of a bug with the system, then we are asking you to simply take one for the team by receiving a single email per month in support of the forum.
However, if that’s just “too much” for your inbox to handle, you are welcome to delete your account.
We hope that you won’t go that route, but we will understand if that’s the direction you choose. Or, if you want us to delete your account, please click here to email us with an unsubscribe request. Please be sure to include your GTA Username with your request.
That’s it for now. We hope that you all enjoy the newsletter, and please feel free to let us know if you have topics or other content that you’d like to see included in the future!
Rick Eutsler
Owner – GTA / AGA / MA / Dog River Design
June 19, 2023
June 22, 2023
June 26, 2023
June 29, 2023
July 3, 2023
July 6, 2023
July 8, 2023
July 10, 2023
July 13, 2023
July 15, 2023

TOPIC: Norica Omnia Video
AS9781 “Please take your offhand hand out of the sandbag/rest when zeroing. That introduces your pulse and respiration into the shot placement and groupings.”
AGW: Thanks for your comment. Actually, that’s how you shoot springers. It’s called the artillery hold and it’s a necessary technique to be accurate with them. Now this specific gun is different. And, if you watched to the end, you’ll see that I bring that point out. This airgun is one of only a handful of springers (gas ram guns too) that can shoot accurately off a rest.
Cheers, AGW
Please visit the GTA Contest Page for our current Giveaway! This month we’ll be giving away Angie’s .25 caliber custom-color Air Venturi Avenger. You don’t want to miss out! All you need to do is visit the page and follow the instructions. There are multiple ways to enter, and each option adds more chances for you to win.

TOPIC: Seneca Dragonfly MK2
AM7212: After a month of shooting thru a new tin 250 of pellets, I am in top shape now. And my memory improved, I always cock it before pumping now Seriously, dragonfly mk2, is one of the best “value and outdoor use quality” pump guns I have
GTA: lol those are both some very positive outcomes from one little inexpensive air rifle. I absolutely agree, especially with the two most important points you’ve brought up.


TOPIC: Benjamin Cayden
G.N. Just a question if the moderator messes up the point of impact. Wouldn’t you just adjust your scope to that? And it would still be fine?
Modern Airgunner: Hey there. It depends. If there’s a change to the POI due to clipping, then the accuracy will be terrible. If the POI shift is a side effect of how the air may get stripped off, and the shift is consistent, then it may be fine. Ideally, you don’t want to see any change in POI.