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Thank you for watching our video on the “57th Daisy Nationals BB Championship – Interview with Robert Barr, President of the NRA – Coverage by AirgunWeb,” Sponsored by GamoUSA and brought to you by AirgunWeb.
Welcome to our coverage of the 57th Daisy BB Gun Nationals hosted in Rogers, Arkansas. With nearly 500 competitors, this year’s event featured not only the team BB gun matches for the national title but also 10-meter air rifle, returning champions matches, and the all-new top 10 shoot-out. We’ll also be bringing you interviews with teams, coaches, and competitors, as well as our discussions with Robert Barr, President of the NRA, Scott Stuhr, Program Coordinator for the National 4-H Shooting Sports, and, of course, Keith Higginbotham, President of Gamo Outdoor USA. It was a jam-packed event, and we are excited to bring you our coverage of the 2024 Daisy Nationals. Let’s get started! It’s a great time to be an airgunner!
Man, it’s a great time to be an airgunner!
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- Sponsored by GamoUSA: https://www.gamousa.com and brought to you by AirgunWeb
Daisy Nationals Official Website
https://daisynationals.com/ -
4-H National Shooting Sports
https://4-hshootingsports.org/ -
NRA Shooting Sports
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